BT Radianz Messaging And SettleNET.
BT Radianz Messaging provides secure and cost-effective messaging capabilities using the very latest technology and the highest commercially-available level of security. We can help you to drive down the cost of securely exchanging financial messages. We help you achieve this by offering one-stop provisioning and support as part of a fully-managed solution that includes gateways, network connectivity and application integration.
BT Radianz Messaging can carry any format of message, including ISO 20022, ISO 15022, FIX Protocol, FpML, domestic standards and proprietary formats. It can operate over the BT Radianz Cloud, over the BT Network and over the public Internet.
One of the BT Radianz messaging services is BT SettleNET, a fully managed service design specifically for connection to CREST/Euroclear UK.
Choose the link below to find out more.